GSFL-16K 3D Flash LIDAR™ Camera

GFSL-16K Front
GFSL-16K Back
ASC’s full feature, long range 3D Full Motion Video (3D-FMV) solution. The GSFL-16K has the ability to range gate through scene obscurants (dust, smoke, fog, rain) and provide high resolution (16K pixel) real time scene range and intensity maps. An extensive collection of Field-of-View (FOV) kits composed of lenses and diffusers, provide the ability to optimize the LIDAR for a wide variety of mapping, tracking, autonomy, and situational awareness applications.
  • Single pulse instantaneous frame capture
  • Co-registered Range & Intensity
  • Scalable fields of view and range
  • No moving parts
  • High angular and vertical resolution
  • High sensitivity (100m @ 10% albedo)s
  • High Range Accuracy
  • High Frame Rate (up to 25Hz)
  • Integrated Mounting Holes
  • Bayonet Lens Mount
Range (m): 0.5 to >1000
Range Error (cm): 5 to 10
Format: 128x128
Pixel Pitch (mm): 100
Frame Rate (Hz): <=20
Range Gating: Yes
Output Data: 32x128x20 bit range map
and 32x128X12 bit intensity map
FOV Kits (diffuser & lens) (degrees): 3, 6, 8.6, 9 15, 30, 45, 60
Laser Energy (mJ): 1570 nm: 5, 12, 18
1064nm: 12,18, 50
I/O: Ethernet / RS422-High Speed Serial
Size (in),(cm): 8.72 x 3.25 x 7.75,
22.15 x 8.26 x 19.69
Weight (lbs.), (kg): 7; (3.2)
Power (W): 30
Operating Temperature: -10 to 60 degrees celcius

To inquire about this product, please contact: [email protected]


See our 3D Flash LIDAR technology in action on our YouTube Channel

Product Selection Guide
Advanced Scientific Concepts LLC (ASC) is a leading provider of real time, global shutter, solid-state, 3D flash LIDAR (3DFL) ranging/imaging systems. Our 3DFL technology offers superior distortion free scene range/intensity mapping capabilities required for real time mapping, guidance navigation & control, situational awareness, tracking, and augmented reality applications.

125 Cremona Drive Suite 250, Goleta, CA  93117
[email protected]
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