Our Technology

What is 3D Global Shutter Flash LIDAR?

Time of flight (ToF) LIDAR is a highly accurate distance mapping and 3D imaging technology. Time of Flight sensors emit a very short pulse of infrared light. The light pulse is reflected from objects in the scene. The ToF sensor precisely and accurately measures the pulse transit time. Since the speed of light is a constant, the measured transit time easily converted to a depth value.

The two most popular ToF sensor LIDAR architectures are global shutter flash and rolling shutter scanning. Global shutter flash LIDAR illuminates the entire field of regard with a single pulse of infrared illumination. The flash LIDAR detector consists of a proprietary focal plane array (FPA) in which each pixel independently measures the time of flight. The scanning LIDAR illuminates a narrow field of view with a narrow pulse of illumination and measures the time of flight. Subsequently, the laser and sensor must be physically scanned through the entire field of regard to capture the scene depth values. Global shutter flash LIDAR is preferred for real-time 3D mapping / imaging applications due to the simplicity, efficiency, and speed advantages.

Technology Features
Global Shutter Capture
Global shutter camera system with no motion distortion
Co-Registered Range & Intensity
Real-time, co-registered range and intensity maps
Contiguous Pixels
No spatial data gaps with contiguous pixels
Solid State
Solid state system with no moving parts
Precise Measurements
Embedded high speed time-of-flight digital signal processing provides precise and accurate distance measurements
Degraded Visual Environment
Imaging through degraded visual environments - smoke, dust, fog, rain and snow

Global Shutter Flash LIDAR Advantages

  • No Motion Distortion: Global shutter sampling
  • No Spatial Data Gaps: Contiguous two dimensional pixel coverage
  • Excellent Range Accuracy: ~5cm
  • Real Time Organized Point Clouds: All points are correlated in space and time
  • Degraded Visual Environment (DVE) Capable: Image / range through obscurants such as smoke, dust, fog, rain and snow
  • High Reliability: Solid state, no moving parts</li>
Emerging Technologies

ASC is continuously pursuing new technologies to enhance the performance, capabilities, and reliability of our gsf-LIDAR systems.  Our current focus areas are:

Improved range performance

  • High FPA signal-to-noise ratio (SNR): High gain linear mode APDs, Low ROIC electronics
  • Increased laser energy: 100mJ MOPA 1064nm laser

Improved field of view (FOV)  performance

  • Large Format FPAs : 256 x 256 , 640×480

Improved  instantaneous field-of-view (iFOV) performance

  • Small FPA Pixel Pitch: <60mm
  • Image fusion: Fuse high resolution imaging pixel with gsf-LIDAR pixels (Merlin)

Technology Spotlight:

Introducing the Future of Dynamic, Real-time, Spatial Measurement: intelligent Software defined 3D Vision System (isd-3DVS)


Are you ready to take your spatial measurement capabilities to the next level? Meet the Intelligent 3D Sensor (i3D-Sensor) architecture – a groundbreaking solution that transforms the way we perceive and interact with the world around us.  The i3D-Sensor is not just a sensor; it’s a revolution in spatial measurement technology. Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

Real-Time 3D Spatial Insights:

The i3D-Sensor takes 3D spatial measurements of the environment and translates them into application-specific state vectors in real time. Whether you’re in robotics, autonomous vehicles, or any industry where precise spatial data is vital, our sensor offers unparalleled accuracy and speed.

Global Shutter Flash LIDAR:

Say goodbye to motion blur and hello to a new era of reliability. At the heart of the i3D-Sensor is its cutting-edge global shutter flash LIDAR technology. This advanced sensor captures data with incredible precision, ensuring that your measurements are as accurate as they can be. With global shutter sampling, you can seamlessly fuse 2D visible, infrared, and 3D flash LIDAR data.

Machine Learning & Deep Learning Algorithms:

What truly sets the i3D-Sensor apart is its fusion with state-of-the-art machine learning and deep learning algorithms. These algorithms adapt and learn from the environment, making your applications smarter, more intuitive, and ultimately more efficient.

Synthetic Algorithm Training:

Our sensor doesn’t just stop at data collection. We employ a physics-based digital twin simulator to generate affordable synthetic algorithm training sets. This means you can optimize or reprogram the on-board algorithms to meet your specific needs. You’re in control, ensuring your applications always stay at the cutting edge of technology.

Endless Possibilities:

The i3D-Sensor is a versatile solution that transcends industries. Whether you’re in space or earth-based relative navigation, mapping, robotics, industrial automation, object tracking, or any field that requires spatial measurement, our sensor is the key to unlocking new possibilities, applications, and efficiencies.

Join the Future:

Don’t get left behind with outdated spatial measurement technology.  The future is now, and it’s intelligent. Contact us today to learn more and embark on your journey to a smarter, more accurate tomorrow.

DPVIS is ASC’s first optical autonomous relative navigation product based on the isd-3DVS architecture. The sensor autonomously searches, detects, classifies, and tracks target surface vessels and provides target vessel relative range and bearing at video rates.

Advanced Scientific Concepts LLC (ASC) is a leading provider of real time, global shutter, solid-state, 3D flash LIDAR (3DFL) ranging/imaging systems. Our 3DFL technology offers superior distortion free scene range/intensity mapping capabilities required for real time mapping, guidance navigation & control, situational awareness, tracking, and augmented reality applications.

125 Cremona Drive Suite 250, Goleta, CA  93117
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